The Escape Plan


The Escape Plan by Ginny Hannan

I thought I would never survive depression. One night, when I was in my deepest and darkest state, I sat on the bathroom floor pondering death, and I thought depression would finally win. When God enveloped me in His arms that night and helped me live another day, instead of gratitude, I felt discouragement.   So I lived, but what kind of life did I have to look forward to? How could I possibly find the light when all I could see was darkness?

Depression is a horrible disease that strangles so many of us at different points in our lives. For me, my depression came after we adopted our two precious girls. At the time, I just thought I was losing my mind. I didn’t realize that post-adoption depression is a real thing, and that I wasn’t the first to suffer from it.

If you are suffering from depression, it might feel impossible to escape. However, as a survivor, I am writing this to give you hope…to let you know that the impossible can happen.

My journey to freedom wasn’t easy. Yours most likely won’t be either.   That being said, it is never too soon to start trying simple things to help ease your way towards a depression-free life.

  1. Reopen the Word of God – While I was feeling my worst, I wanted nothing to do with God. What I didn’t realize is that He is who I needed most. Depression filled me with so many lies, and the best way to combat those lies is to fill your mind with the truth. God’s Word is absolute truth. The more you read it and memorize it, the more it becomes a part of you. Pray constantly and allow God in as well. Open the doors for Him to do His work.
  2. Allow Others In – Depression is isolating. I didn’t want anyone to know what I was thinking or feeling, so it was easier to separate myself from others. However, those very same people could have been a support for me. They could have watched my children when I was at my worst. They could have provided meals for my family to get us through those times when I just couldn’t. Most of all, they could have provided me with company and emotional support when I really shouldn’t have been alone. But I didn’t, and I truly believe I suffered for far longer than needed because I pushed them away so much.
  3. Exercise – I know. I know. It is the last thing you feel like doing when you are depressed and feeling sluggish, tired, and unmotivated. MAKE YOURSELF DO IT. Exercise is a completely natural way to build endorphins in your body. Try to do it every day or at least every other day. You will be amazed at how something so simple can be so helpful to your brain chemistry and overall energy levels!
  4. Seek Professional Help – The scariest thing for me when I was in the deepest part of depression was telling someone about what was really going on in my head. I was afraid if I did, they would have the authorities come and take away my kids. I let that fear keep me from getting the help I truly needed. I needed someone trained who could walk me through the process of healing. Many need the help of medicine or natural supplementation to help their brain heal. If you don’t get this help, you WILL suffer far longer than necessary. And if you truly ARE worried about your kids being taken away, then you really do need help. Help is out there for families going through struggles like this, and all of you might need that, and your family will be better off in the long run if you get what you need.

Obviously, you don’t just “snap” out of depression. However, you CAN take part in your own healing. I encourage you to start that healing today. Do just one thing to move forward each day, and before you know it, you will have moved not only inches forward, but miles toward a life of freedom for you and your family.



I would love to be there for you to encourage you. If you are suffering from depression and need to talk about it, feel free to contact me at I am here. I want to help.

5 thoughts on “The Escape Plan

    • Thank you for coming by. And thanks for praying for Ginny’s words to touch and encourage others. It’s the hard stuff we write about that matters. Ginny has shared several posts about her struggle with depression. I love her willingness to be so honest.


  1. Pingback: The Escape Plan | God'sCharacter

  2. Practical and succinct advice here. You’re right, Ginny, it’s never easy, but we must take an active part in our battles with darkness. Depression often doesn’t ‘just go away’. You’ve nailed four excellent tools here. Nice post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: The Escape Plan – Vision61 Ministries

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